
Showing posts from August, 2022

Top 5 what is the lifespan of a betta

1 How Long Do Betta Fish Live? How To Increase Their Lifespan - Author: - Published Date: 02/23/2022 - Review: 4.93 (897 vote) - Summary: · However, they have a shorter lifespan than most other fish. The average lifespan of a Betta fish is 2-5 years. There are a few things that can  - Matching search results: Their long fins could get entangled in sticks, branches, sharp leaves, and other debris that are in the water or habitat the fish lives in. And since the conditions of the water are very poor, these injuries can become infected over time. Not only ... - Author: - Published Date: 12/01/2021 - Review: 4.74 (537 vote) - Summary: · The average Betta lifespan in captivity is 2-4 years, although it can be exceeded and many can live to 5 years. Betta fish in captivity live  - Matching search results: Female Betta fish tend to live longer than male Betta fish, although the difference in averages is only a few months. Both the mal...

Top 12 how long to snails live

1 How Long Do Snails Live (And Why)? - Author: - Published Date: 05/17/2022 - Review: 4.95 (928 vote) - Summary: · The wheel of life of snails is highly dependent upon their habitats and specific species. The average life period for a snail to live is 2 to 3  - Matching search results: The wheel of life of snails is highly dependent upon their habitats and specific species. The average life period for a snail to live is 2 to 3 years. They can even live up to 10 years in their captivity. It has been assumed that snails can survive ... - Author: - Published Date: 07/13/2022 - Review: 4.65 (401 vote) - Summary: Most snails live from 2 to 5 years, but in captivity, some have exceeded 10 or 15 years of age. – In France, edible snails are “escargot,” a word that also  - Matching search results: Some species of snails hibernate during the colder months of the year. They cover their bodies with a thin layer of mucus, which prevents them ...

List 5 how to treat internal parasites in fish

1 How to treat aquarium fish for internal parasites? - Author: - Published Date: 05/13/2022 - Review: 4.86 (706 vote) - Summary: How to treat aquarium fish for internal parasites? You can treat internal parasites in the aquarium fish by using saltwater, Epsom salt, formaldehyde,  - Author: - Published Date: 11/25/2021 - Review: 4.74 (318 vote) - Summary: · If you suspect that your fish is carrying internal parasites, or just want to begin a regular deworming schedule, there are a few methods from  - Matching search results: If the fish is eating, take a small container or cup and add about a teaspoon of tank water. Add one measure of the Metronidazole powder using the included measuring scoop, and one measure of the Levamisole powder. If you bought tablet form or did ... - Author: - Published Date: 09/21/2021 - Review: 4.54 (416 vote) - Summary: There is also another technique of separating infected fish into ...

Top 12 how long do cardinal tetras live

1 Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) Care Guide - Author: - Published Date: 03/23/2022 - Review: 4.96 (975 vote) - Summary: · If you do buy live food from a pet store, always remove the food from the water it's supplied in before feeding your fish. Similarly, you must  - Matching search results: Most of the Cardinal tetras that you find for sale in fish stores are wild-caught. That’s partly because the fish are not easy to raise in captivity, but also because catching fish for the commercial trade provides employment for people who would ... - Author: - Published Date: 07/06/2022 - Review: 4.62 (408 vote) - Summary: · When kept properly, they are surprisingly easy to maintain, and despite their small size, can easily live for four or more years. Even though  - Matching search results: Another problem with neons and cardinals is that they like to stay close to the substrate. Dwarf cichlids consequently view these tetras as potential...

Top 20+ what does eye bulging look like

1 Bulging Eyes | Eye Proptosis | Exophthalmos - Medindia - Author: - Published Date: 03/10/2022 - Review: 4.86 (614 vote) - Summary: · What are the Symptoms and Signs of Bulging Eyes? · Appearance of protruding eyes · Excessive dryness in eyes · Increase in visible sclera or the  - Author: - Published Date: 12/21/2021 - Review: 4.64 (454 vote) - Summary: Bulging or protruding of one or both eyes is called proptosis or exophthalmos. Exophthalmos is usually used when describing bulging eyes caused by Graves  - Author: - Published Date: 05/09/2022 - Review: 4.47 (235 vote) - Summary: Your eyelids look like they've been pulled back from where they normally are, and you may find it hard to close your eyes all the way - Author: - Published Date: 08/14/2022 - Review: 4.21 (390 vote) - Summary: · Bulging eyes (Graves' ophthalmopathy); Fatigue; Thick, red skin usually on the shins or tops of the feet (Gr...

List 8 why is my tiger barb shaking

1 Tiger Barb Diseases, Parasites & Remedies - Smart Aquarium Guide - Author: - Published Date: 01/21/2022 - Review: 4.97 (895 vote) - Summary: Tiger Barb Ich / Ick Stress caused by sudden changes in water parameters can cause Ich disease in your tiger barbs. Adding antiparasitic medication to the tank  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 01/07/2022 - Review: 4.64 (384 vote) - Summary: Our big tiger barb keep turning vertical facing down suspended in the ... Until then I am trying to save any of my inlaws fish that I can Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 09/02/2021 - Review: 4.44 (585 vote) - Summary: Shimmy, if that is what it is, is a symptom of extreme stress. This can be cause by bullying, water issues, including toxins or cold water, or vastly improper  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 10/25/2021 - Review: 4.29 (450 vote) - Summary: · This happens occasiona...

Top 18 how fast do angelfish grow

1 Why Is My Angelfish Not Growing? (5 Main Reasons) - Its Animal - Author: - Published Date: 12/04/2021 - Review: 4.95 (607 vote) - Summary: · Like every other fish, Angel Fish requires the right conditions to grow quicker. Angelfish reaches dime-size by around 8 to 10 nickel through 12  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 03/11/2022 - Review: 4.64 (503 vote) - Summary: Angelfish can grow very fast when it is small. ... If you get a baby angelfish for your tank then it can grow really fast until  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 04/30/2022 - Review: 4.52 (354 vote) - Summary: · Angelfish lead a long life – 10 to 12 years. Thus, they don't grow as rapidly as some fish do. They take around 8-12 months to reach their full-  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 01/13/2022 - Review: 4.27 (433 vote) - Summary: How big do Angelfish get? Angelfish is a small, freshwater fish...

Top 8 livebearer fish list

1 Livebearer Fish List |15 livebearers for home aquarium - Author: - Published Date: 12/13/2021 - Review: 4.92 (877 vote) - Summary: Livebearer Fish List |15 livebearers for home aquarium · Guppy · Common Molly · Sailfin Molly · Yucatan Molly · Southern Platy · Variable Platy · Endler's Livebearer  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 06/16/2022 - Review: 4.64 (513 vote) - Summary: · What Are Livebearer Fish: Different Types ; Endler's Livebearer, Poecilia wingei ; Common Molly, Poecilia sphenops ; Sailfin Molly, Poecilia  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 09/08/2021 - Review: 4.42 (229 vote) - Summary: · While there are several types of common freshwater livebearers, the various species of Guppy, Molly, Platy, and Swordtail are the ones you most  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 05/10/2022 - Review: 4.35 (349 vote) - Summary: Here we present the livebea...

Top 7 why do betta fish fight

1 Betta Fish Fights - Everything You Need To Know - Tankarium - Author: - Published Date: 11/18/2021 - Review: 5 (613 vote) - Summary: Simply put, male bettas fight because they are extremely territorial. A betta's territory is important to them as it grants  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 12/06/2021 - Review: 4.59 (426 vote) - Summary: · It is not without reason that they are called Siamese fighting fish. The males set up a territory around plants or rocks Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 03/23/2022 - Review: 4.52 (359 vote) - Summary: Male bettas might prepare themselves for a fight if they feel threatened during feeding times or when protecting a nest. It is also believed that betta fish are  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 05/05/2022 - Review: 4.35 (354 vote) - Summary: Betta fish, also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, are aggressive by nature. A major reas...

Top 10+ can amano shrimp breed in freshwater

1 Amano Shrimp: Breeding, Care, and Lifespan | Fishkeeping World - Author: - Published Date: 07/10/2022 - Review: 4.93 (738 vote) - Summary: Imposters tend to be smaller as well. Finally, they will breed in freshwater aquariums whereas true Amano Shrimp require brackish water to breed Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 10/26/2021 - Review: 4.72 (301 vote) - Summary: You will need to follow their natural breeding pattern if you want to succeed. First, you must prepare a small 2-gallons  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 07/29/2022 - Review: 4.43 (261 vote) - Summary: · No they can not. They have to be transferred to a salt water set up within 3 days of hatching and then slowly returned to fresh water conditions  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 09/02/2021 - Review: 4.27 (267 vote) - Summary: Breeding Amano shrimp in captivity is challenging. In the wild, A...

List 10+ what is the rarest angelfish

1 Angelfish in Ontario - Kijiji™ - Author: - Published Date: 09/23/2021 - Review: 4.93 (873 vote) - Summary: · Find "Angelfish" in Ontario - Visit Kijiji™ Classifieds to find new & used items for sale. Explore Jobs, Services, Pets & more Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 04/02/2022 - Review: 4.65 (331 vote) - Summary: Blue angelfishes, Holacanthus bermudensis, are common in the Caribbean and western tropical Atlantic (35°N – 18°N, 100°W – 64°W) off Bermuda, the Bahamas, and  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 03/06/2022 - Review: 4.43 (570 vote) - Summary: Altum Angelfish The altum angelfish is a relatively rare species that is larger and deeper bodied than the more common aquarium varieties. They are also known as the Orinoco angelfish after one of the South American rivers where they are found Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 04/25/2022 - Review: 4.21 (238 ...

List 10+ how long before putting fish in new tank

1 Starting A New Aquarium - What to Expect In The First 60 Days - Author: - Published Date: 07/01/2022 - Review: 4.84 (699 vote) - Summary: You're going to be excited and anxious to fill your new aquarium with fish. Be patient! Let your aquarium "settle" for at least 48 hours before buying your  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 11/09/2021 - Review: 4.64 (592 vote) - Summary: · Live fish can be added to a new tank only when the aquarium has a working Nitrogen cycle. A cycled fish tank has established bacterial colonies  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 09/01/2021 - Review: 4.56 (282 vote) - Summary: A step-by-step guide to addembling and installing your new aquarium properly. ... a fishkeeper and joining hundreds of thousands of fish owners around the  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 11/09/2021 - Review: 4.24 (345 vote) - Summary: Wait until both the ammonia and nitrite le...

List 10+ pleco fish care

1 How to Care for Plecostomus - Pets on - Author: - Published Date: 11/12/2021 - Review: 4.99 (764 vote) - Summary: All plecos come from the Amazon drainage, where the water is moderately acidic to slightly alkaline. Specifically, plecos prefer water with pH between 5.5 to  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 01/01/2022 - Review: 4.72 (435 vote) - Summary: Although plecos are known as cleaner fish, scavengers, and algae eaters, they must be fed a regular diet consisting of high-quality fish foods. Think of it like  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 09/07/2021 - Review: 4.49 (248 vote) - Summary: Likened to sea cows, they take in a good deal of food volume, and it all ends back up in their system. Hence their need for large tanks, with plenty of water  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 06/16/2022 - Review: 4.28 (515 vote) - Summary: · Water Parameters · Water te...

Top 10+ what are the white bubbles in my fish tank

1 White Foam in Aquarium - Causes & Solutions - AquariumNexus - Author: - Published Date: 09/16/2021 - Review: 4.88 (962 vote) - Summary: · White foam across an aquarium can sometimes be a deadly sign indicating that something is seriously wrong with the water quality, but it can  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 04/18/2022 - Review: 4.74 (277 vote) - Summary: · 7 Reasons That Causes Air Bubbles or Foam in Your Fish Tank · Air stone, a sponge filter or a bubbler · Bubbles after a water change · Medications Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 06/26/2022 - Review: 4.43 (572 vote) - Summary: · Too much protein in the water of a fish tank can coat the bubbles, preventing them from popping. Protein foam is an indicator that your tank  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 03/13/2022 - Review: 4.29 (317 vote) - Summary: · If you're keeping aquatic plants in your fish tank, you...

Top 10+ what do fish eat at home

1 Feeding Your Aquarium Fish the Right Type of Food - The Spruce Pets - Author: - Published Date: 08/01/2022 - Review: 4.9 (761 vote) - Summary: Live Food: Options include live brine or ghost shrimp, feeder fish (for larger carnivorous fish), crickets, and worms . Greens: If your fish are the type to munch on aquarium plants, such as anacharis, give them greens as well. Options include lettuce, cucumber, zucchini, and spinach Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 05/29/2022 - Review: 4.66 (327 vote) - Summary: · Types of Foods That You Can Give to Your Fish · Fresh seafood · Organs and meat (with no fats) · Spinach and lettuce · Root vegetables, broccoli,  Source: 🔗 - Author: - Published Date: 10/08/2021 - Review: 4.39 (434 vote) - Summary: · 3 Awesome Homemade Fish Food Recipes ; 400g Frozen Peas; 300g Chopped, Shredded, or Grated Vegetables (Carrots, Beets, Zucchini, Broccoli, etc)  Source: ...