List 8 why is my tiger barb shaking
1 Tiger Barb Diseases, Parasites & Remedies - Smart Aquarium Guide
- Author: Published Date: 01/21/2022
- Review: 4.97 (895 vote)
- Summary: Tiger Barb Ich / Ick Stress caused by sudden changes in water parameters can cause Ich disease in your tiger barbs. Adding antiparasitic medication to the tank
Source: π
- Author:
- Published Date: 01/07/2022
- Review: 4.64 (384 vote)
- Summary: Our big tiger barb keep turning vertical facing down suspended in the ... Until then I am trying to save any of my inlaws fish that I can
Source: π
- Author:
- Published Date: 09/02/2021
- Review: 4.44 (585 vote)
- Summary: Shimmy, if that is what it is, is a symptom of extreme stress. This can be cause by bullying, water issues, including toxins or cold water, or vastly improper
Source: π
- Author:
- Published Date: 10/25/2021
- Review: 4.29 (450 vote)
- Summary: · This happens occasionally with my tiger barbs, usually its just gas or bit of constipation. They will usually get rid of it in a few days. I've
Source: π
- Author:
- Published Date: 03/01/2022
- Review: 4.1 (234 vote)
- Summary: The barb looks like its having problems with buoyancy, likely through extra gas in the digestive tract or the swim bladder. However, I don't
Source: π
- Author:
- Published Date: 07/01/2022
- Review: 3.89 (535 vote)
- Summary: · One of my green barbs does this also. From what ive read & understand it is due to them either over feeding/gorging themselves or when eating
Source: π
- Author:
- Published Date: 04/19/2022
- Review: 3.62 (511 vote)
- Summary: That funny dance is what Tiger Barbs do when they are suffering from high levels of Nitrates! ie they swim vertical with their nose pointing
Source: π
- Author:
- Published Date: 08/02/2022
- Review: 3.54 (261 vote)
- Summary: When he shakes, he uses his head and tail to do so. he usually goes from left to right at a moderate speed, nothing quick etc. He isn't wobbling
Source: π
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