Top 12 how long do cardinal tetras live
1 Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) Care Guide
- Author: Published Date: 03/23/2022
- Review: 4.96 (975 vote)
- Summary: · If you do buy live food from a pet store, always remove the food from the water it's supplied in before feeding your fish. Similarly, you must
- Matching search results: Most of the Cardinal tetras that you find for sale in fish stores are wild-caught. That’s partly because the fish are not easy to raise in captivity, but also because catching fish for the commercial trade provides employment for people who would ...
- Author:
- Published Date: 07/06/2022
- Review: 4.62 (408 vote)
- Summary: · When kept properly, they are surprisingly easy to maintain, and despite their small size, can easily live for four or more years. Even though
- Matching search results: Another problem with neons and cardinals is that they like to stay close to the substrate. Dwarf cichlids consequently view these tetras as potential predators of their eggs and fry. They will attack or kill them. They will nip the neons or even bit ...
- Author:
- Published Date: 09/27/2021
- Review: 4.42 (405 vote)
- Summary: · The water is extremely poor in food. The Cardinals live in schools of mature specimens (23 – 28 mm long ~ ready to spawn) and juveniles around
- Matching search results: The spawning tanks were little 200 x 200 mm by 150 mm high (hold 4 litres of water) similar to those used in Europe. On the bottom I placed a stainless steel gridmesh to protect the eggs from their hungry parents. The water used was from the Snowy ...
- Author:
- Published Date: 09/19/2021
- Review: 4.31 (473 vote)
- Summary: The Cardinal Tetra is a schooling fish, which feels more at ease when kept in a school of at least 5, but a larger group would always be better. Keeping at
- Matching search results: Cardinal Tetras are often overlooked but are wonderful freshwater fish species that are easy to take care of. They are peaceful, and peace lovers and are good for almost all types of aquarium and can add charm. These fishes are known for their lax ...
- Author:
- Published Date: 11/23/2021
- Review: 4.13 (226 vote)
- Summary: · 5. How long does a Cardinal Tetra live? The expected lifespan of Cardinal tetras in captivity is about 4 years. Longer than that is possible
- Matching search results: The Cardinal tetra is pretty low maintenance. Their aquarium is easy to set up, their water condition needs are easy to manage (more below), and they are pretty easy to feed. The only complicated thing is that they need to be fed 2-4 times a day ...
- Author:
- Published Date: 03/19/2022
- Review: 3.89 (364 vote)
- Summary: Cardinal Tetras live around five years on average when raised in an aquarium . Some lucky fish can even reach ten years of age when properly taken care of. They have much shorter life spans in the wild, only living to about a year or so. Conversely, the Neon Tetra has a shorter life in captivity than in the wilderness
- Matching search results: Cardinals Tetras usually move in shoals/schools of hundreds, swimming and feeding as one unit in shallow rivers and streams. Such group behavior serves as a defense mechanism against larger predators, as they’re less likely to be picked off when ...
- Author:
- Published Date: 12/01/2021
- Review: 3.62 (279 vote)
- Summary: These are always fairly clear to crystal-clear waters having low silt content. I have tested some water parameters and found the following readings: pH is
- Matching search results: In the wild, Paracheirodon axelrodi can be found in small, slow-moving streams or creeks. These are always fairly clear to crystal-clear waters having low silt content. I have tested some water parameters and found the following readings: pH is ...
- Author:
- Published Date: 12/16/2021
- Review: 3.49 (271 vote)
- Summary: The cardinal tetra comes in bright red and blue, with black stripes. They are small at around 2 inches but have a long lifespan – about 7 years. As omnivores,
- Matching search results: Paracheirodon axelrodi (the cardinal tetra) is a freshwater aquarium fish from South America that can also be found in some pet stores in North America. It is one of three species of Paracheirodon. Paracheirodon axelrodi is arguably the most popular ...
- Author:
- Published Date: 07/05/2022
- Review: 3.32 (551 vote)
- Summary: · In their natural habitat, the life expectancy of a Cardinal tetra is very short, i.e., about a year. However, in captivity, they are known to
- Matching search results: The Cardinal tetra is a beautiful, vibrant, colorful fish with a reddish brown coloration extending from the mouth, eyes, and tails, covering most of the lower body. Right above this reddish brown line lies a greenish-blue stripe that divides the ...
- Author:
- Published Date: 06/17/2022
- Review: 3.19 (588 vote)
- Summary: Scientific Name : Paracheirodon axelrodi. Common Names : Cardinal Tetra. Care Level : Easy, acclimate slowly to your tank water and don't even think about
- Matching search results: The Cardinal Tetra looks very similar and is often confused with the Neon Tetra. The Cardinal Tetra will have the red stripe the full length of its body on the lower half, whereas the Neon Tetra will have the red stripe only half way. These tetras ...
- Author:
- Published Date: 06/12/2022
- Review: 2.79 (123 vote)
- Summary: Cardinal Tetras require a minimum of a 20 gallon tank. It has been said that Cardinal Tetras will do fine in a smaller tank of around 10 gallons, but Cardinal
- Matching search results: Cardinal Tetras will spawn at night, and this will last long into the night, sometimes until just before morning. When Cardinal Tetra females spawn, they release around 130 to 500 eggs. The eggs are very small, but it is important to remove the ...
- Author:
- Published Date: 08/06/2022
- Review: 2.75 (139 vote)
- Summary: · Cardinal tetras live relatively long lives, generally between 2 to 4 years. Etymology. The scientific name of Cardinal tetras is Paracheirodon
- Matching search results: Give your tetras enough food to feed them for less than 5 minutes. If after 5 minutes of feeding your fish are not done eating everything, then that a sign that you have given them too much food. Overfeeding can lead to serious issues, like illness ...Details
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