Can Cichlids Live With Angelfish? [A List Of Cichlids That Can]

Can Cichlids Live With Angelfish? [A List Of Cichlids That Can]
Can cichlids live with angelfish? The answer is complicated.

Both cichlids and angelfish belong to the family Cichlidae, so they share some similarities. However, they also have some major differences. Most cichlids are aggressive, while angelfish are docile and peaceful. In addition, cichlids are fast swimmers, while angelfish are slow-moving. As a result, cichlids can bully angelfish. There are a few exceptions, however. Some South American cichlids, such as blue acara, rams, keyhole, and rainbow, are compatible with angelfish. These cichlids need similar water parameters as angelfish. In conclusion, while there are a few exceptions, most cichlids cannot live with angelfish.


4 Main Reasons Why Cichlids And Angelfish Can’t Live Together

As any experienced aquarium owner knows, not all fish are compatible with one another. Cichlids and angelfish are a prime example of this fact. Cichlids are aggressive fish that compete with each other and other fish in the tank. On the contrary, angelfish are primarily peaceful and tolerant. So it’s challenging to keep them together.

Given below are the four main reasons why cichlids and angelfish can’t live together.


1. Opposite Behavior

Cichlids are well-known for their aggressive behavior, and they will often compete fiercely for territory and food with other fish in the tank. In contrast, angelfish are generally peaceful creatures, and they can find it challenging to deal with the aggression of cichlids. Angelfish are known to be aggressive during mating and spawning, but they are usually calm and tolerant toward other species. However, the constant aggression of cichlids can be stressful for angelfish, and it can weaken their immune systems, increasing the risk of diseases that can be fatal.

Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the moods and temperaments of both fish before adding them to the same tank.


2. Water Parameters

Angelfish are a popular choice for freshwater aquariums, and they are known for being relatively hardy fish. They can handle variations in the water parameters, but they prefer slightly warmer water temperature between 78°F to 85°F (25.5°C to 30°C), with pH between 6.8 to 7.8, and hardness between 3°dH to 8°dH. However, African cichlids need warm water in the range of 75°F to 85°F (24°C to 30°C), with pH level between 7.8 to 8.5 and hardness between 9°dH to 18°dH. This means that angelfish and African cichlids have different water needs, and it is not recommended to keep them together in the same aquarium.

Angelfish prefer soft or acidic water in contrast to the hard and alkaline water preferred by African cichlids. So keeping them together can stress the angelfish and affect their health. It is best to only keep angelfish together with other fish that have similar water requirements.


3. Swimming Capability

Most cichlids are aggressive and fast swimmers. In contrast, angelfish are slow swimmers and can be easily chased and bullied by fast-swimming cichlids.

Fast swimmers compete for food and leave little or nothing for the slow ones, leaving them hungry. This can make it very difficult for angelfish to survive without food. Therefore, it is best to keep angelfish with slow swimmers so that they can easily find food.

Angel fish are also beautiful fish that come in many different colors. They are a popular choice for aquariums because of their vibrant colors. However, as they are slow swimmers, they can be easily bullied by other fish.

Therefore, it is important to choose a mate carefully when keeping angelfish. Slow-swimming fish, such as some catfish, are a good choice. By keeping angelfish with other slow-swimming fish, you can ensure that they get the food they need and avoid aggression from more agile fish.


4. Size & Temperament

The temperament of a fish often depends on its size. Large cichlids are very aggressive, and small cichlids are mostly peaceful.

Although angelfish are cichlids and have some aggression, they are less aggressive than large or similar sized cichlids.

So keeping angelfish in captivity with large cichlids is very dangerous for angelfish as they can be subject to bullying and stress.

However, keeping angelfish in captivity with smaller cichlids that can fit in the mouth is equally dangerous for cichlids.

So it's important to think about which fish to put together in an aquarium so that everyone has a chance to thrive and not get stressed or even die from the extreme levels of aggression they have. cannot handle.


Are Angelfish A Type Of Cichlid?

The angelfish is a freshwater fish that belongs to the family Cichlids. They are native to South America and can be found in rivers, lakes and ponds. Angelfish are structurally similar to other cichlids, but they differ significantly in behavior and habitat requirements.

For example, while most cichlids require good care and cannot survive difficult conditions, angelfish are hardy and can thrive even in harsh environments. Another difference is that while cichlids are naturally aggressive, angelfish are mostly peaceful. However, there are some exceptions;

For example, when angelfish are trying to mate and reproduce, they may be aggressive with each other. In addition, they will eat small fish if given the opportunity. Overall, although angelfish share some characteristics with other cichlids, they are certainly a unique and interesting species.


What Types Of Cichlids Can Live With Angelfish?

While most cichlids are aggressive towards angelfish, there are a few species that are compatible with them. The following cichlids are known to be compatible with angelfish: Blue acara, Green terror, Keyhole cichlid, Festivity cichlid and Rainbow cichlid...

Given below are cichlid species that can live with angelfish.


1. Blue Acara

The blue acara is a member of the cichlid family and is native to South America. These fish are easily recognizable by their striking blue and green coloration. Blue acaras typically grow to be about six inches in length, making them a popular choice for both freshwater and saltwater aquariums. In addition to their unique coloration, blue acaras are also known for their peaceful nature. These fish are non-aggressive and tolerant of other fish, making them a good choice for community tanks. However, during the breeding season, blue acaras can become quite aggressive. For this reason, it is important to provide plenty of cover in the form of plants, rocks, and driftwood for these fish to hide in. With proper care, blue acaras make a beautiful and interesting addition to any aquarium.


2. Bolivian Ram Cichlids

Bolivian ram cichlids are a popular choice for aquariums because they are relatively easy to care for and are tolerant of different water conditions. They are also non-aggressive, making them a good option for beginner fishkeepers. In addition, Bolivian ram cichlids can cohabitate with other fish, such as angelfish.

However, it is important to provide plenty of hiding places in the aquarium, as Bolivian rams need a place to retreat. Aquatic plants can offer the required cover, and adding live plants to the aquarium can also provide other benefits, such as improved water quality and oxygenation. Consequently, Bolivian ram cichlids are a peaceful and hardy fish that make a great addition to any freshwater aquarium.


3. German Blue Ram Cichlids

The German blue ram cichlid is a beautiful and popular freshwater cichlid. They are quite calm and work well with non-aggressive fellows. Therefore, they make excellent mates for angelfish.

However, choose a medium sized tank with the right filter as the aquarium needs clean and fresh water. These fish prefer a well-planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places. Sand bases are best, but they will also work well in aquariums with gravel or rocks.

German green guinea pigs are omnivores and will accept most foods. It is important to provide a varied diet that includes both plants and animals. Raw, frozen and flaked foods are all acceptable, but make sure to provide high-quality food to prevent malnutrition.

These fish are known to be pleasant and friendly. Therefore, they make excellent mates for angelfish. The German Blue Snake is a gorgeous fish that makes a great addition to any freshwater aquarium.


4. Keyhole Cichlids

Keyhole cichlids are a popular choice among cichlid keepers for their peaceful nature. They are also good tankmates for angelfish, as they are unlikely to nip at the long fins of angelfish. Keyhole cichlids are great for community tanks, but they can be difficult to find. If you're looking for a rewarding challenge, try keeping a keyhole cichlid in your next aquarium.


5. Rainbow Cichlids

Rainbow cichlids are a type of freshwater fish that are native to Central America. They are a popular choice for aquariums because of their vibrant colors and playful personality. Rainbow cichlids are non-aggressive, making them perfect for community tanks. They are also compatible with angelfish, which is another peaceful species. Besides the fish mentioned above, you can also keep dwarf and parrot cichlids with rainbow cichlids. These brightly colored fish make a beautiful addition to any aquarium, and they are relatively easy to care for. However, it is important to keep rainbow cichlids in clean conditions with ideal water parameters to ensure that they thrive.


Related Questions


Can Convict Cichlids Live With Angelfish?

The answer is no. Convict cichlids are aggressive and fast, while angelfish are slow and peaceful. Convict cichlids will also attack and nip the fins of angelfish. Consequently, these two fish cannot live together. If you have both types of fish, you need to keep them in separate tanks.

Can Peacock Cichlids Live With Angelfish?

The answer is no. Both need different water conditions and most peacock cichlids will bully the angelfish as they are slower swimmers. Peacock cichlids come from Africa and South America while angelfish come from the Amazon basin. This means that they have evolved to live in different water conditions. Peacock cichlids need hard, alkaline water while angelfish need soft, acid water. Most aquariums can't provide the right water conditions for both species. Even if you could provide the right water conditions, the peacock cichlids would probably still bully the angelfish. Angelfish are slow and peaceful fish while peacock cichlids are fast and aggressive. This means that the peacock cichlids would chase and nip at the angelfish all day long. The stress of being bullied would cause the angelfish to become sick and eventually die. For these reasons, it's best to keep peacock cichlids and angelfish apart.

Can Ram Cichlids Live With Angelfish?


Yes, they definitely can! In fact, ram cichlids and angelfish are peaceful, non-aggressive, and tolerant toward other species. So they can live in harmony. They both enjoy similar water conditions and diet. The only difference is that angelfish are a little more delicate than ram cichlids. So you need to take extra care of your angelfish when adding them to the tank. But other than that, these two fish species can definitely live together!


Can Jewel Cichlids Live With Angelfish?

Unfortunately, the answer is no. Jewel cichlids are aggressive, dominating fish that will bully angelfish. They can also hurt the angelfish to establish dominance. As a result, it is not recommended to keep these two fish together. If you must keep them together, be sure to provide plenty of hiding places and territory for the angelfish so they can escape the jewel cichlids. You should also closely monitor the situation and be prepared to remove the angelfish if necessary.

Can Firemouth Cichlids Live With Angelfish?

Maybe, but it's not ideal. Although firemouth cichlids are fast and easily bully the slow-moving angelfish, they are both fundamentally peaceful fish. So, if you take care when setting up your tank, and provide plenty of hiding places and places for the angelfish to escape to, then you might be successful in keeping these two species together. However, it's worth noting that even in the best case scenario, the firemouth cichlids will likely chase and harass the angelfish, so it's not an ideal situation for either species. If you're looking for a peaceful community tank, it's better to avoid mixing these two species together.


Can Malawi Cichlids Live With Angelfish?

Fish is a great way to relieve stress and relax. And what could be more peaceful than watching a tank full of beautiful, brightly-colored fish swimming around? However, not all fish can live together peacefully. Malawi cichlids and angelfish, for example, need different water conditions and will often bully each other. As a result, it's best to keep them in separate tanks. By doing so, you can ensure that both your fish are happy and healthy.


Can Parrot Cichlids Live With Angelfish?

Yes, fish can co-habitate provided they have similar water parameters and a lot of space to live. Parrot cichlids and angelfish need similar water parameters and devour brine shrimp and bloodworms. So, they can live together peacefully. Also, both these fish are beautiful to look at so it'll be a visual treat for you as well. Plus, having more than one fish will help reduce the aggression levels in both species. However, do keep in mind that you'll need to provide hiding places for the fish so they can feel safe and secure in their environment.


Can Dwarf Cichlids Live With Angelfish?

Most fish are easy to care for and get along well with other fish. However, there are always a few exceptions. For example, some fish are known to be aggressive or territorial, while others are very sensitive to changes in water quality. Dwarf cichlids are one type of fish that can sometimes be tricky to care for. Thankfully, they can actually live quite peacefully with angelfish. This is because dwarf cichlids are bottom dwellers, non-aggressive, and slow movers, making them suitable for angelfish. Both these fish are also tolerant of other species. As a result, a mixed aquarium containing both dwarf cichlids and angelfish can actually be quite a peaceful and lovely sight.


Can Electric Yellow Cichlids Live With Angelfish?

Electric yellow cichlids are a beautiful fish that, unfortunately, cannot live with angelfish. They are too aggressive for the relatively peaceful angelfish and will quickly make a meal out of them. Electric yellow cichlids also require different water parameters to thrive. They prefer slightly alkaline water while angelfish do best in water that is a bit on the acidic side. For these reasons, it is best to keep electric yellow cichlids and angelfish in separate tanks.


Can South American Cichlids Live With Angelfish?

While electric yellow cichlids and angelfish may both be brightly colored fish, they are not compatible tank mates. Electric yellow cichlids are very aggressive fish and will often attack angelfish, nipping at their fins or even biting them. In addition, these fish need different water parameters to thrive. Electric yellow cichlids prefer water that is slightly alkaline, while angelfish need water that is neutral to slightly acidic. As a result, it is best to keep these fish separate in order to ensure the health and safety of both fish.



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