Should goldfish have a filter?
When it comes to goldfish and filters, there are a few things you need to know. First, goldfish produce a lot of waste. A single goldfish can produce up to 180% of its body weight in waste each year. That means that a 10-gallon tank can easily become overloaded with waste without a filter. Second, goldfish are messy eaters. They often upend plants and stir up gravel in their search for food. This can lead to poor water quality and an unhealthy environment. Third, goldfish are sensitive to water quality. Ammonia and nitrites can build up quickly in an unfiltered tank, causing stress and illness. Finally, goldfish need oxygen to survive. A filter helps to circulate water and add oxygen, creating a more healthy environment for your fish.
The Fiction
It's a common belief that goldfish need filters, but that's actually not the case. Goldfish are actually quite resilient creatures and can live long lives without filtration. In fact, the longest-lived goldfish on record, Tish, liv...